Yesterday we had our 8th bi-monthly Online Genuine Contact Storytelling circle. This time a small group gathered, but streching over three continents! The five participants live in Venezuela, Canada, Switzerland and Sweden. Stories were shared about:
- How our tools are used to find solutions in collaborative settings
- The joy of teaching WPPF (Whole Person Process Facilitation)
- Spiritual care at the end of life
- Using Genuine Contact tools in different settings, ”it always works”
Some of us had met before, for others we were new acquaintances. We had a very profound and inspiring meeting with both joy and seriousity. The notes from the meeting are put together in a documentation and a recording was also made. It is posted on our GC-list (open google group) but let me know if you like me to send it to you.
The gatherings are open to anyone interested and free of charge! The purpose is to strengthen our community as well as individual GC professionals. Many of those who have participated since the start in January 2013 are experienced Genuine Contact professionals, working with components of the program to make a difference in the world. Other attendees have had little contact with the program before and came out of curiosity, often sharing their story. A great mix of wonderful people and perspectives, for sure!
The meetings are facilitated using WPPF in an online environment. This way of facilitating online meetings has developed over the last decade in our organization. We have found a well functioning software which allows collaboration auditive as well as visually. For example, we use a whiteboard where we draw a circle where everyone is invited into. We have a talking stick gives you space to share before others do. We also use whiteboards for inviting reflections after having heard a story. A simple but powerful structure.
The Genuine Contact Storytelling circles started from an Online Open Space-meeting about implementing the strategic plan of our GC organization. A small team formed and worked out a well functioning highly participative design for sharing and reflecting on stories from the participants. We (Chris, Hege, Doris and I, Thomas) are happy and proud that this is such a success and we intend to continue to hold space for stories about genuine contact – whatever that means to you. So watch out for the announcement of next dates!
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