Startdatum: 10 februari 2016
Slutdatum: 12 februari 2016
Learn to use this powerful meeting methodology, in an international environment. You will benefit from us three experienced consultants and trainers coming in from Berlin, Amsterdam and Göteborg.
I have used WPPF in hundreds of meetings. It’s a powerful invitation the potential of each and every individual as well as the whole group. We open opportunities to find the best ways to grasp possibilities at hand. We do this by designing the meeting from knowledge that people have many different ways to learn and contribute. We design for maximum participation and much variation to keep the energy high. This is the way we tap into the potential!
During the training we have capacity to use several languages to serv our participants.
This training will be organized in Amsterdam, more info: Flyer WPPF 2016
This picture is from a meeting I facilitated last year, using WPPF, in Sandviken, Sweden.
We welcome YOU.