A couple of reasons why I have used Whole Person Process Facilitation (WPPF) for hundreds of meetings is that it creates a container inviting genuine contact amongst the participants, for all kinds of meetings. Secondly, that it produces sustainable results!
I have used WPPF to facilitate meetings with groups for decision making, trainings, and workshops of all kinds. A couple of weeks ago I facilitated a NGO to reach a crucial decision about its future. There were different views on some of the foundations of the topic at hand and some tension in the room. Some people came to the meeting more or less determined to stop the proposal from becoming a decision.
The 5toFold decision making process was conducted in a WPPF container so we started with inviting each person to ”show up and be present” in the circle and to focus on our common purpose. After having listened to each person there was a consensus decision made but with some strong concerns that were expressed and noted down. They are now taken into account in the process to implement the decision.
Februay 15-17 we are offering a WPPF training, to share this powerful method. So, join us in Amsterdam. CLICK HERE for more info
Note for people who already had a genuine Contact workshop. We always offer refreshers at self-cost if you had this particular training earlier! Let us know if you are interested.